How to keep your account from getting hacked
What for: So you don’t get hacked.
If you use a short and simple password, cybercriminals can guess it and hijack your account. A long and complex password is more secure. Use a strong password that:
- Is at least 8 characters long;
- Contains lowercase and uppercase letters, numbers, and special characters ($, @, etc.);
- Is not an actual word or easy-to-guess phrase;
- Is not the same as your passwords for any other accounts;
- Does not consist of information that strangers could easily find out (your name, date of birth, pet's name, and so forth — or those of your friends or relatives).
To change your password:
- Click More in the menu on the left to view advanced settings;
- Open Settings and privacy;
- In the Your account section select Change your password;
- Enter the current password for your X(Twitter) account;
- Enter a new strong password twice;
- Click Save.
What for: So you definitely don’t get hacked.
X(Twitter) can prompt you to enter an additional one-time code every time you log in to your account. If cybercriminals attempt to hack your account, they will not be able to log in without this code. The code can be received in different ways: via a text message (SMS) or using an authentication app.
To enable two-factor authentication:
- Click More in the menu on the left to view advanced settings;
- Open Settings and privacy;
- Go to the Security and account access section;
- Select Security;
- Select Two-Factor Authentication;
- Select the authentication method:
- Text message — receive a one-time code via SMS;
- Authentication app — a one-time code is generated in a dedicated app such as Authy or Google Authenticator;
- Security key — a one-time code is generated using a USB authorization device such as YubiKey;
- When two-factor authentication is enabled, you will see a dialog box with a one-time backup code. Copy it and store it in a safe place. You need this code to access your account if you lose your phone. Note that you can log in using the backup code only in the Web version of X(Twitter).
A hardware security key can be used only in combination with two-factor authentication by text message or a mobile app.
Downside: If you use SMS-based authentication, X(Twitter) can use the specified phone number for targeted ads.
How to keep corporations out of your business
What for: To use device resources sparingly and hide from cybercriminals.
X(Twitter) receives information about your approximate location based on your IP address so you can geotag your posts and view targeted ads and recommendations.
Information about your location can help cybercriminals launch phishing attacks.
To disable geotags:
- Click More in the menu on the left to view advanced settings;
- Open Settings and privacy;
- Go to the Privacy and safety section;
- Select Location information;
- Click Add location information to my Tweets and disable the feature.
To remove geotags from previously published tweets, in the same menu click Remove all location information and confirm your selection.
Downside: You will lose any geotags that you added to your tweets in the iOS or Android app. However, if you enabled the Precise location feature in the X(Twitter) app on your mobile device, location settings in the Web version will not affect this feature.
How to defeat spammers and trolls
What for: To keep your peace of mind.
You can stop tweets containing specific words, usernames, hashtags, and smiley faces from appearing in your news feed and notifications. This lets you hide unwanted posts.
To configure the filter:
- Click More in the menu on the left to view advanced settings;
- Open Settings and privacy;
- Go to the Privacy and safety section;
- Go to the Mute and block section and select Muted words;
- Click + in the upper right corner of the screen;
- In the opened window:
- Enter the word or phrase that you want to mute;
- Select the check mark next to Home timeline;
- Select the check mark next to Notifications and select From anyone;
- Select the check mark next to Until you unmute the word;
- Click Save.
You can also configure the muting of tweets, comments, and notifications from specific users:
- Open the user profile whose publications you want to mute;
- Click the three dots icon to the left of Following;
- Select Mute @username.
You can view the list of users you’ve muted by selecting Muted accounts in the Mute and block section.
What for: To exclude adult and graphic content from the notification feed.
X(Twitter) can filter out content it designates offensive. This feature is disabled by default. However, we recommend checking the settings:
- Click More in the menu on the left to view advanced settings;
- Open Settings and privacy;
- Go to the Privacy and safety section;
- Click Content you see;
- Make sure that the Display media that may contain sensitive content check mark is cleared.
Keep in mind that you will still see such content in search results. To stop X(Twitter) from showing it in search results, do the following in the same section:
- Select Search settings;
- Select the Hide sensitive content check mark.
How to hide posts from unwanted people
What for: To get rid of unwanted people in the virtual space.
To stop a specific user from viewing your tweets and replying to them or sending you direct messages, you can block this user. The blocked user will not be able to view your profile or contact you.
To block a user:
- Go to the profile of the follower you wish to block;
- Click the three dots icon to the left of Following;
- Select Block @username;
- Select Block in the opened dialog box.
The user will not be notified about getting blocked. However, if they visit your profile, they will see that you blocked them. In this case the blocked users can file a complaint against you and view all tweets in which you mentioned them.
You can unblock a blocked user any time (for example, if you blocked the user by mistake):
- Click More in the menu on the left to view advanced settings;
- Open Settings and privacy;
- Go to the Privacy and safety section;
- Click Mute and block;
- Select Blocked accounts and click Blocked to the right of the account that you wish to unblock.
Keep in mind that if one of your followers shares the link to the photo attached to your private tweet, the image will be visible to all recipients.
How to get rid of unwanted notifications
What for: To avoid distractions.
By default, X(Twitter) sends you notifications about the most interesting activities of other users (in the opinion of the service). If these notifications distract you, you can stop the app from notifying you about activities of specific user categories, e.g. those who have not confirmed their contact details (spammers often avoid doing this to save time):
- Click More in the menu on the left to view advanced settings;
- Open Settings and privacy;
- Go to the Notifications section;
- Select Filters;
- Set the check mark next to Quality filter;
- Click Muted notifications and select check marks next to:
- You don’t follow;
- Who don’t follow you;
- With a new account;
- Who have a default profile photo;
- Who haven’t confirmed their e-mail;
- Who haven’t confirmed their phone number.
Downside: The filter does not apply to accounts that you follow or with which you recently interacted.