Skype privacy settings on iOS: Relaxed level

Learn how to change your privacy settings on Skype using iOS. These steps adjust your privacy and security settings to Relaxed level protection.
Kaspersky Lab
5 minutes

How to keep your account from getting hacked

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Set a strong password

What for: So you don’t get hacked.

If you are using a short and simple password, cybercriminals can guess it and steal your account. A long and complex password is more secure. Use a strong password that:

  • Is at least 8 characters long;
  • Contains lowercase and uppercase letters, numbers, and special characters ($, @, etc.);
  • Is not an actual word or easy-to-guess phrase;
  • Is not the same as your passwords for any other accounts;
  • Does not consist of information that strangers could easily find out (your name, date of birth, pet's name, and so forth — or those of your friends or relatives).

In iOS, the Skype password can only be changed on the sign-in screen:

  1. Tap your profile picture;
  2. Tap Sign out;
  3. On the sign-in screen, enter your username;
  4. Tap Forgot password?
  5. Enter the e-mail address to receive a reset link for your password;
  6. Open the e-mail received from Skype, tap the link and change the password to a stronger one.

Note: Your Microsoft account is used to sign in to Skype, so its password will also be changed.

Enable two-factor authentication

What for: So you definitely don’t get hacked.

Two-factor authentication protects your account even if hackers know your username and password. You will have to enter a one-time code whenever you sign in to your Skype account. The code can be received by text message or e-mail, or generated by an app.

You sign in to Skype with your Microsoft account credentials, so enable two-factor authentication for this account:

  1. In your browser, open your Microsoft account page at;
  2. Go to the Security section in the upper part of the screen;
  3. Select Advanced security options;
  4. Tap Turn on in the Two-step verification section;
  5. Read the information about two-step verification and tap Next;
  6. You will be prompted to download Microsoft Authenticator or to set up a different app for receiving authentication codes.

To use Microsoft Authenticator:

  1. Tap Get it now;
  2. The download page opens. Tap Get the app and choose a convenient source for your download: App Store or a link in a text message.

To use a different app, such as Google Authenticator, tap set up a different Authenticator app and follow the instructions.

You can also receive codes for two-factor authentication by text message or e-mail. To do so, on the page prompting you to install Microsoft Authenticator:

  1. Tap Cancel;
  2. You will be prompted to create a separate password for the Outlook app on your smartphone. This will improve the security of your account (useful if you want to receive the codes by e-mail through mobile Outlook). To create a password, tap the link for your mobile device's operating system and follow the instructions;
  3. Tap Next;
  4. If you use other Microsoft services and products, such as an Xbox 360 account or the desktop Outlook app, carefully read the on-screen instructions for creating a temporary password for these accounts. Note: After enabling two-factor authentication, you will not be able to use these services until you create a temporary password for them. You can create or change a temporary password in the Advanced security options section of your Microsoft account at;
  5. Tap Done to turn on two-factor authentication. You do not need to enter your phone number or e-mail address: Number and e-mail from your account will be used, and you can choose between a text message and an e-mail each time you sign in.

After this, the system will prompt you for a security code whenever you sign in to Skype or other accounts linked to your Microsoft account.

How to hide your data from prying eyes

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Stop sharing your location data with Bing

What for: To keep Microsoft from knowing where you go.

Skype may send information about your location to Bing for more relevant search results. This feature is disabled by default, but we still recommend checking the settings:

  1. Tap your profile picture;
  2. Select Settings;
  3. Go to the Privacy section;
  4. Turn off the Share location with Bing option.

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How to avoid annoying distractions in Skype

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Block calls from strangers

What for: To avoid unwanted communication.

By default, any Skype user can call you. If you do not want to be bothered by strangers, block calls from anyone not in your contact list:

  1. Tap your profile picture;
  2. Select Settings;
  3. Go to the Privacy section;
  4. Turn on Only allow Skype calls from contacts to ring on this device.

Block unwanted users

What for: To avoid unpleasant people.

If your contact list contains people who write offensive messages, distribute spam, or are just annoying, you can block them. Blocked contacts cannot call or message you. To blacklist (block) a user:

  1. Find their profile in your Skype contact list;
  2. Tap and hold the contact's photo. A menu will open;
  3. Select View profile;
  4. Scroll down and tap Block contact;
  5. Tap Block.

Blocked users will not know you’ve blacklisted them.

Turn off automatic call answering

What for: To keep pranksters and scammers away from you and your family.

Your device can automatically answer all incoming phone calls, including calls in Skype, Viber, and WhatsApp. This feature is convenient for senior citizens. However, it can also be abused by scammers and pranksters. If your family is being bothered by suspicious people, instead of disabling automatic answer you can configure the application on their devices to only allow calls from people on the contact list.

To disable automatic answer:

  1. Open the Settings menu on your device;
  2. Go to the Accessibility section;
  3. Select Touch;
  4. Tap Call Audio Routing;
  5. Turn off Auto-Answer Calls.

Please keep in mind that automatic answer will stop working not only in Skype, but also for all incoming phone calls, and calls in Viber and WhatsApp.

Also recommended

Main Skype privacy settings on iOS: Relaxed level
Privacy level
Level 1
Basic privacy settings, maximum convenience.
Level 2
A golden mean respecting privacy matters but preserving convenience.
Level 3
A choice of security over convenience; instructions contain a lot of details.
Platform version
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